Night Sky Watch

Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 pm Concordia Resort, Salt Pond Bay

This is your opportunity to view the southern hemisphere skies at night. You will have a sky tour, slide show and time at the Park telescope to experience the skyscape of this Park. Southern Cross in view this season! Meet at Concordia Resort, Salt Pond Bay Area.

Read full article at the publisher’s site:

Schedule of events for the VINP

The VINP usually has several events each week. 

There are a couple that I have never done before:

  • Hike L’esperance Trail
  • Archeology Lab Meet & Greet (Cinnamon Bay)
  • Cultural History Demonstrations (Annaberg)
  • SkyWatch (Salt Pond Beach)

More info is here: 

I am happy to see the L’esperance Trail hike on the list.  I have been down the trail, but at a time when it was not maintained.